Our Mission
To provide a creative and unique way to transform the lives of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers using color, art, and mindful healing programs to help process this life-changing experience.
Early detection and treatment advances have created over 22 million cancer survivors in the United States and the number continues to grow every year. These numbers do not include the millions of cancer caregiver survivors. While research continues to make breakthroughs in cancer, the patients, families, and caregivers face the effects of the emotional trauma long after the initial diagnosis.
Sites and Insights’ curriculum is designed specifically to address the mental and emotional health and needs of the cancer community no matter where they are in their journey.

Vicki Mackie is the Executor Director and the heart and soul of this organization.
Take a moment and learn how and why Sites and Insights got started.
Click HERE for the full story
“I am a cancer survivor who had the great opportunity to attend a Mindful Therapeutics Though Art workshop during my cancer journey. I heard about Healing Art the first time I received chemotherapy. There was a flyer announcing the next class and although the flyer said you did not need to be an artist to attend it sounded rather artsy to me. Therefore, I did not think this workshop was for me. As my journey progressed, I found myself going through the motions of life but not experiencing it. Knowing that I needed to do something, I took the step and signed up for the workshop. In the first class, I was very nervous about being able to create beautiful pictures. The facilitators quickly assured everyone that this was not about creating pictures, but about painting your feelings. It was in these classes that I realized that I was numb and not really paying attention to my various feelings. As they walked us through each exercise, I began to express, through art, the feelings that I had been burying to keep from feeling them and to keep my family from seeing them. Through each exercise, my feelings were then validated by sharing them with others in the class. As others shared their feelings, I realized that I was not the only one going through this cancer journey. As I took a deep breath, I was able to say to myself, Yes, I would survive.”